// omlette.cpp // a programme that tells you how to make an omlette #include #include using namespace std; main() { int hunger; char veggie, cheese, onion, fries; cout << "Omlette Version 1.0 By Alex Sheldon\n"; cout << "Inspired by an idea from Nathan O'Hagan.\n\n\n"; cout << "Firstly, are you vegetarian? (enter y or n):"; cin >> veggie; cout << "\n\nWould you consider yourself to be a big fan of the CHEESE? (enter y or n): "; cin >> cheese; cout << "\n\nDo you like onions? (enter y or n): "; cin >> onion; cout << "\n\nWould you like fries with that? (enter y or n) :"; cin >> fries; cout << "\n\nOn a level of 1 to 3, how hungy are you? :"; cin >> hunger; cout << "\n\n\n"; cout << "Firstly put " << hunger << " eggs in a frying pan\n\n"; if(veggie != 'y') cout << "Now put sliced ham in the pan\n\n" ; if(cheese == 'y') cout << "Now put loads of cheese in the pan\n\n"; if(onion == 'y') cout << "Put some sliced onions in, if you must\n\n"; if(fries == 'y') cout << "And don't forget some make some chips\n\n"; cout << "\nOK, so start frying that stuff up!"; cout << "\n\n\n Now eat it!"; cout << "\n\nHow was it?"; getch(); cout << "\n\n\n\nNow GO AWAY!!"; getch(); }