Extra Mature.
By regular columnist Peter Howarth.
Extra Mature.
By regular columnist Peter Howarth.
The Cheese Report Cheesemas Special - Cheeses of the Year 2005
Well folks, it's that time of year again...Cheesemass. Time to dust off the cracker box and crack open the vintage cheese selection packs! But wait! No! Avoid those supermarket packs and skip down to your local cheese emporium and purchase the following varieties and make your own fat opium pack...
My top cheeses of the year are as follows...
1. Creamy Lancashire: Lancashire has a tendency to be very crumbly so go for a rich creamy variety that will gel together and have a nice consistency on your cracker.
2. Black Wax Mature Cheddar: Christmas without cheddar? No way. The trick to cheddar is to get a nice mature variety. I recommend one that has been dipped in black was because it sounds cool.
3. Red Leicester: This cheese really complements the other selections and adds a touch of colour to the palette. A good safe all-rounder.
I recommend the little hovis crackers that look like loafs of bread....these are widely available. as a general rule the browner the cracker the better.
Merry Christmas