The full-frontal scan of VITAKRONE's "Smoked With Ham" reveals a playful packaging, but don't be deceived; there has been a lot of thought put into this box.....
(Click any of the pictures on this page for full-sized image)
I bought this pack of VITAKRONE Smoked With Ham a few weeks ago, and to be honest I've been a bit scared of opening it. We've long known that ham is one of the best accompaniments to cheese known to man, so why was I so scared? It was the garish playful packaging and the fact that I bought it from LIDL.
I finally ran out of other cheeses so I decided to finally get over my fear and just open it.
The first thing I did when I opened the pack was give it a good old smell. I was pleased to discover that it smelled just like Bavarian Smoked Cheese, which is amongst my favorite cheeses. I was instantly put at ease.
You will notice that each slice of cheese has been separated with a piece of greaseproof paper! One of my pet hates when buying sliced cheese is when they all stick together. They have even left a thumb indentation in the pack, just where you will peel off the next layer of cheese, now that's ingenuity!
I promptly made my two sandwiches for my lunch box tomorrow and made a spare one for sampling.
It tasted exactly as I imagined it would; like Bavarian Smoked cheese with bits of ham in it. Unsurprising, but a decent flavour nonetheless. It appears that behind this childish, colourul packaging is a serious cheese waiting to get out.
I think this cheese would go very well along with some cheddar on toast, bringing out that smoky flavour and the bonus of having bits of ham without the hassle of getting out the ham and cutting it into little bits.
I give this cheese 4 Cheeses out of 5, a good effort.