Vicky is the best!
Anyone who doesn't know already, Vicky won the "Highest Acedemic Achievement" award in her course on Wednesday! Well done Vicky! You really are the best in the world at everything!

Here's a quote from her MySpace page:
On Wednesday it was the graduation night of the course I have been doing for the last year, we all have to get up on stage to get our certificates and shake hands with random people with have never met but who are giving speeches about how great we are doing and how they love us.
Anyway, after all that nonsense the course leader gives a speech about how the next bit was hard as they had to pick someone that the whole course agreed unanimously was the best (all said in academic speak so it took about 20 mins) anyway, I got a special award for the highest academic achievement (also known as Student of the Year). I had to go on stage all by myself to get the prize (£25 book vouchers, GET IN THERE!). It was horribly embarrassing as well as good of course, I didn't fall over either which was good.
Here is me getting up on stage, it was a surprise so I had to get up off my chair and make what felt like the longest walk in the world.

All night people congratulated me and I accrued a number of new nicknames such as "Brains", "Brain box", "Smart Arse", "Twat" (although I don't really see the relevance of that) Anyway I would like it if people referred to me by these names from now on, not the twat one of course, I get enough of that.
I should also take this opportunity to brag about getting the highest mark in the history of the course, oh and my work is publishable and yadda yadda, I rule, blah blah, I'm great ..
Anyway, start my degree in September, whoop!
CHEESE, F (2007) The Wonder Of Being Me [online] available at: <> Page accessed on Saturday, June 30, 200, 4pm
Posted by alexpsheldon
at 3:01 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 June 2007 4:15 PM BST