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The Alex Sheldon Blog
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Topic: Eggs

Hi everyone, I thought I'd share with the world my girlfriend's new obsession:  Eggs.


Every night this week when I've asked her what she'd like us to have for tea, the answer is the same:  "Eggs for tea!".  It all started on her all-inclusive holiday to Turkey when she ate a minimum of 4 eggs for her breakfast each day for a week.

I came in from work the other day and when I came in from work, I walked into the room to find her hiding something under the cushion.  After wrestling the cushion away from her I found what she was hiding:  A big brown paper bag full of hard-boiled eggs!

One meal she has been suggesting is soft-boiled eggs, with some fried eggs on the side cut into soldiers for dipping. 

Posted by alexpsheldon at 8:33 PM BST

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