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The Alex Sheldon Blog
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Vicky is the best!
Mood:  happy

Anyone who doesn't know already, Vicky won the "Highest Acedemic Achievement" award in her course on Wednesday!  Well done Vicky!  You really are the best in the world at everything!

Here's a quote from her MySpace page:

On Wednesday it was the graduation night of the course I have been doing for the last year, we all have to get up on stage to get our certificates and shake hands with random people with have never met but who are giving speeches about how great we are doing and how they love us. 

Anyway, after all that nonsense the course leader gives a speech about how the next bit was hard as they had to pick someone that the whole course agreed unanimously was the best (all said in academic speak so it took about 20 mins) anyway, I got a special award for the highest academic achievement (also known as Student of the Year).  I had to go on stage all by myself to get the prize (£25 book vouchers, GET IN THERE!). It was horribly embarrassing as well as good of course, I didn't fall over either which was good.

Here is me getting up on stage, it was a surprise so I had to get up off my chair and make what felt like the longest walk in the world.

All night people congratulated me and I accrued a number of new nicknames such as "Brains", "Brain box", "Smart Arse", "Twat" (although I don't really see the relevance of that)  Anyway I would like it if people referred to me by these names from now on, not the twat one of course, I get enough of that.

I should also take this opportunity to brag about getting the highest mark in the history of the course, oh and my work is publishable and yadda yadda, I rule, blah blah, I'm great ..

Anyway, start my degree in September, whoop!

CHEESE, F (2007) The Wonder Of Being Me [online] available at: <http://www.myspace.com/fried_cheese> Page accessed on Saturday, June 30, 200, 4pm

Posted by alexpsheldon at 3:01 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 June 2007 4:15 PM BST
Friday, 22 June 2007
I just want my emotions to be on display.
Did I say my emotions?  I meant my arse.

Posted by alexpsheldon at 9:51 AM BST
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Racer bike Time Trialin'!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Bikes

Yesterday was my first Time Trial with New Brighton Cycling club!  It was one of their regular "Club 10's" (10 mile club Time Trial) which was actually only 8.75 miles.  I managed to take a wrong turning and had to go back on myself, so I probably actually did 10 miles! 

When I finished I stopped for a chat with the other riders.  I felt fine until I walked off to pick up my bike and realised that my arse muscles hurt like hell, I felt like I could barely walk!  I then had to ride all the way back home from Brimstage.  The arse pain was cured by a nice hot deep bath when I got home.

Frank from the club has a blog which reviews the ride better than I can:


He mentions me in it a few times (mainly how I got lost...) and there's even a photo of me!  (This proves I was actually in the ride and not just making this up...)

Posted by alexpsheldon at 11:09 AM BST
Friday, 8 June 2007
How to make your body ache all over for days.

1.  Don't do any exercise for 2 months.

2.  Play squash for 1 hour, making sure you don't do as many warm-up excersises as you should.  Also make sure your opponent complains when you insist on taking your full 90 second break entitlement between games.

3.  The next day, see how long it takes you to cycle for 2.4 miles as fast as you possibly can - see if you can beat that time on the way home too.

4.  That's it!  You'll ache all over, probably for days - particularly in the buttocks for some reason.

Posted by alexpsheldon at 10:20 AM BST
Thursday, 7 June 2007
The DANGERS of blogging

When I say dangers, I mean troubles or more like small problems.  What I'm talking about is on days like today, when there isn't much to write about.  I entice you with an exciting looking title, but when you start reading it's really really boring. 

It's not that nothing has happened lately, just nothing that is blog-worthy.  There was the incidents with Vicky's phone troublems, but you don't want to hear about them really as everything turned out OK in the end.  The fact that she thought she was getting ripped off by 2 different people on ebay potentially costing her £280 wouldn't be to interesting to you because it's all alright now.

I played squash last night, which is all well and good, but can you really be bothered to read about it?  The final score - the court conditions, the conversation with the receptionist about how court 2 was free although we had booked court 3 and we could go in early, without needing to change to court 3 at 9, then subsequently finding out that court 2 was in fact in use and we ended up on court 3 anyway?   Do you really care that Nathan won 2-0 overall but there were a few close games?  The regular arguments over me taking my full 90 second rest break entitlement?  I don't think so. 

I could even bang on and on about how much it cost to get my car through it's MOT, the problems with the manifold gasket and the £100 welding job to fabricate a new suspension component as they are no longer supplied by Ford.  You wouldn't care about the fact that when we drove away from the garage the exhaust was making a knocking noise and I had to take it back to them this morning to complain.

So instead I will keep this blog brief so you don't have to read a load of boring, irrelevent crap.

Posted by alexpsheldon at 12:41 PM BST
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Tidying the house
Typing in this blog instead of tidying the house is NOT a waste of time!

Posted by alexpsheldon at 7:08 PM BST
The Definition of a Supermodel

The definition of a supermodel -

 A model who has at some point been arrested for assault or drug offences.

Posted by alexpsheldon at 2:42 PM BST
Friday, 1 June 2007
Things that make you go Hmmm
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Things that make you go Hmmm
  1. Close your mouth, breathe out through your nose and engage your vocal chords. 

I think that is the only method actually.  I should have thought of that before making this new post.  If you've read this bit first, before the start of this post, don't bother reading the rest; it's rubbish.

Posted by alexpsheldon at 12:40 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 12:43 PM BST
Mood:  lyrical
I figured out that the "DMC" in "Run DMC" stands for "Delicious Meaty Chunks" and must have something to do with cat food

Posted by alexpsheldon at 12:11 AM BST
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Topic: Eggs

Hi everyone, I thought I'd share with the world my girlfriend's new obsession:  Eggs.


Every night this week when I've asked her what she'd like us to have for tea, the answer is the same:  "Eggs for tea!".  It all started on her all-inclusive holiday to Turkey when she ate a minimum of 4 eggs for her breakfast each day for a week.

I came in from work the other day and when I came in from work, I walked into the room to find her hiding something under the cushion.  After wrestling the cushion away from her I found what she was hiding:  A big brown paper bag full of hard-boiled eggs!

One meal she has been suggesting is soft-boiled eggs, with some fried eggs on the side cut into soldiers for dipping. 

Posted by alexpsheldon at 8:33 PM BST

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