So, you like cheese, huh?
So, you like cheese, huh?


This is where people travel for miles on the internet to get the most up-to-date informative infomation on cheese and cheese related issues. I personally love cheese, my favorite type is Dutch Edam, but not on toast as it goes all plasticy. Best for on toast is Cheddar, preferable a mix of mild and medium or mature, in a varariety of colours.

I really want to go to a cheese festival one day, and do that cheese rolling thing, so if anyone knows of a cheese festival, please let me know!

Regular visitors will appreciate a new, regular feature of my cheese page, Cheese Of The Decade.

The Cheese Board:

(Previously known as "Cheese Forum".)

Click "The Forum" link below to go to the new, interactive Cheese Board!

Sheep cheese is totally unacceptable.



Extra Mature!

The Cheese Board

NEW!!! Smoked Cheese With Ham

Turkish Cheese review


Cheese review: Tesco Low Fat

Cheese review: Jarlsberg

Cheese Of The Decade

Home - Cheddar, Brie, Fondue Making & More!
























THE CHEESE BOARD, possibly one of Wallasey's main sources of cheese discussion on the 'net!


Click below for the new, interactive Cheese Board:

Free Message Forum from Bravenet 


Old Cheese Forum Messages:

<Recieved Sat 08/11/2003 11:14>

<Christian Doran> Writes:

I like the web site, I have some cheese related coments. In palma ther is a cheese cafe, Its serves hundreds of cheese producs and the tables and chairs are in the shape of cheese. Also I have a book that may interest you its called "making a meal of cheese". It could form the basis of a new relgion, with cheese being god. But this cauld cause some pycolagical problems when eating cheese as this would meen you were eating god. Therefor some people might be discoraged from eating cheese. Hmmmm. More chese for us though. Hmmm. Then again the people resposible for making cheese may become involved in the religion and in a fit of religiose rage distroy there cheese mines. We would then be forsed to make our own cheese and sell it on the black market. Hmmm. The cheese that we made would probably be horible. So we have to make a disition HERE AND NOW! Ither we start praktice cheese making now in antisapation of the enevatable out come of the cheese relgion. Or we abandon the project imidiatly for fear of sub standerd cheese production. Please reply promptly. The future of cheese is in your hands

Your friend and comrade in cheese

Christian Doran Esq


<Reply sent Sat 08/11/2003 12:31>

<Alex Sheldon> Writes:

You are right to be concerned, but don't worry yet, the Cheesist religion has not yet been formed, and the official God has not been chosen. I propose that *I* become the chosen one, and form the cheesy religion around myself. The holiest day will be my birthday, when I travel around the world in only one night, and climb down the chimneys of every house across the land. There I will find cheesey treats that the children have left me, such as Edam, Wotsits, Primula, cheese butties, cheese on toast and the like, in return I switch off the fridge so that the milk turns to cheese. Pilgrims will travel for hundreds of miles, or even across the galaxy to Penmaenmawr where they will find a 500 foot statue of me, made entirely out of cheese on toast. The pilgims will be invited to take a bite, and also to take part in the daily cheese on toast ceremony, where they make the holy food and add it to the statue to keep it fresh and make it even bigger.


<Reply sent Mon 10/11/2003 18:22>

<Christian Doran> Writes:

Your enlightening email on cheese/alex worship, has intreaged me and I wish to subscribe to your news letter.

Long live cheese/alex/toast/robots and the like.

Christian Doran Esq


<Reply sent Tue 11/11/2003 21:05>

<Alex Sheldon> Writes:

Dear Christian Doran Esq,

A news letter eh? I haven't done one of those for a while. Perhaps I will make the next new section of my website the newsletter, and send out emails when it has been up-dated. I should really keep this conversation about cheese really, so I'd just like to say that in my cheese-box at the moment is a 750g block of mild coloured Cheddar and 125g of Dutch Edam. What's in YOUR cheese box?

Yours Faithfully,

Mr Alex Peter Sheldon B.A.


<Recieved Thu 04/12/2003 17:42>

<Pete Howarth> Writes:

I dont think you should underestimate the importance of a slice of cheese with a butter spread for bucking up ones esteem after a hard days graft. I certainly dont!




Would you like to contribute to The Cheese Board? Click the icon below to the new, interactive Cheese Board:

Free Message Forum from Bravenet 


Last updated Tuesday, 24.10.2006 0:05